Jabba/Jango Toolbox

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Book 1394

This deck is admittedly strange at first glance. The basic premise is to play a reactive deck that chips away at the enemy, Jabba, Cunning, and On the Hunt give you a solid contingency in milling out your opponent if the game goes long enough. Jango is a great reactive card, while Jabba helps to mitigate poor rolls--or strong rolls from yellow dice by the other guy/girl.


The deck plays a ton of upgrades, namely because you want your first plays of the early game to be upgrading Jango. Since we have so many upgrades, allow me to gibber for a moment on each:

*Jetpack: provides more damage for Jango and some potential dice removal and protection.

*Holdout Blaster is there for speed--remember, you want to roll as many free dice with Jango as possible!

*On the Hunt: eliminate pesky shields, more potential mill, and potential die removal.

*Hunker Down: shields for your team. Also works well with Mos Eisley Spaceport. At the worst, you can set up for more bursty resource turns.

*Cunning: this doubles down with specials on upgrades (yours and theirs), as well as potential mill.

*Comlink: The reroll and disruption is nice, as is the focus results.

*Datapad: Hit those specials! Nice cheap upgrade option.

*Crime Lord: ah, the dream. With the steady resources the deck can generate, this is a possible answer to an annoying character. All of its sides are pretty great. One is enough, in my experience.

The deck also plays a four support cards, all of which are self-explanatory. The events are mostly die removal/rerolls. Fight Dirty is a surprise card to finish off annoying characters.

The die removal and control is found in the form of: Electroshock, Reversal, He Doesn't Like You, and Unpredictable.

Your battlefield ideally with pick up a Hunker Down and net you a resource for bigger turns. You can pop that Comlink back as needed. Admittedly, the deck can drag out turns with its support cards, allowing you to adapt.

This deck is more on the adaptive side. You have options, answers, Jango can chip away at your opponent's characters. The deck has big swings with cards like Fight Dirty, All In, and Crime Lord. Currently, this is one of my favorite decks to play.

Enjoy--and, no, you should not be playing Infamous!


Leviathan 1

Where is Thermal Detonator? You mention it in the write up but it's not in the list.

Book 1394

@Leviathan good catch--this was updated before I posted and I forgot to remove that in the description. It has since been amended! Thanks!

Leviathan 1

@Book Hey no worries. I liked the idea. I think I'll try -2 All In, -1 Scramble, +2 Thermal Detonator.

Out of curiosity, why did you take the thermal detonator out?

Book 1394

@Leviathan It's just a bit slow. The deck chips away mostly. Like I said, there are big swings, but I would rather play something like Crime Lord that is reliable and more terminal. I see nothing wrong with your suggestion--but All In is nuts, esp. with the varied die sides and focus on many of the dice. You can just straight kill a dude out of nowhere with Jango.

Leviathan 1

Good points! I'll keep it in mind.

prozz 1

ace in the hole can be good here. with all the focus sides it could make thermal or crime lord shine.

Book 1394

Ace in the hole is more cutesy and high variance, me thinks

ElderMason 63

With Backup Muscle and Underworld, you might try 1 or 2 Flank.

Book 1394

@ElderMason typically, you are using Jango in conjunction with them activating--I guess that is obv. But moreover, Jabba often can end up activating before this. I could see an argument for Flank over Electroshock, but there are many instances where things dont shake out this way.