
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

gn0xious 13

Was looking to try a variation of Padme that I hadn't seen much of. Many seem to go 2 Rebel Trooper, 2 Hired Gun, or combo of the two. I also recently got Thermals, which had me looking more at Padme in general.

Benefit, I feel, of double Padawan. The discount to weapons allows for Thermal Detonators on Turn1. This can be a huge boost to hand discard, or damage control against 3-4 character lists. The Blue cards are focused around protection, and providing some "perceived threat" from the Padawans.

Main goal for this is still to Mill, but get an earlier start.

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