DookuRen Control

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

CWebber 7

This deck is meant for you to control your opponent and keep the damage to a minimum while dealing maximum damage. With cards like "feel your anger" and "deflect" it is easy to keep the damage low but have mass amounts of damage going out because you have cards like "kylo Ren's lightsaber" and "force choke". Also the synergy in this deck is fonominal with cards like "personal escort" and "hidden in Shadow" count dooku is very difficult to take down while kylo ren; depending on the deck you are going up against; can deal BIG damage through his ability and 4 damage sides when run with "power of the dark side".

Feel free to give feedback I'm open to anything.

Hope you enjoy,

Carter and crew

1 comment

Andfritz30 1532

Pretty good, might use it once I get Kylos light saber