HanRey Jones Junior

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

licasanova 94

eHan / eRey

Many games ago Maria Casanova said:

Rey rolls like poop...

I've played many permutations of eHan and eRey, and for right now, I am settling on this particular build. Most of the problems with Han and Rey lists are twofold:

  1. Giving in to the desire to include expensive, good (but not amazing in the build) cards like Force Throw and Lightsaber which will usually rot in your hand and don't help your consistency, and

  2. Not realizing that 90% of the problems of this deck is said consistency.

Given that, my philosophy behind this build (which has beaten Jango builds in stretches of 3 and 4 consecutively in testing) is that there are things you have to do: Keep your cost curve low. Get your dice lined up and resolved by any means necessary. Keep upgrading every turn. Take shields when not full and don't roll them away.

Rey competes well with Jango, but her melee mixed in with Han's ranged - and the fact that ranged upgrades are most likely going to be played on her first - means you're going to have those consistency problems when trying to deal damage. It makes Awakening a must in the instances where you're staring at bonuses rotting on the table. It. Will. Happen. A lot. I believe it's an auto include in the deck. The other way to increase consistency is to upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. Iron it out through numbers.

Some cards that people might have the instinct to cut should not be. Draw Attention and Heroism are probably these cards. Combined with Second Chance, DA can keep Rey alive indefinitely, and should be looked at in the same vein as other similar events: Cannon Fodder and Heroism. These cards enable to you to continually upgrade --> rollout every turn and still have options to to spread the damage from your opponent.

Rey's Staff is mandatory. You need another natural source of melee damage as Rey's bonuses will make you want to table flip.

Opens: Mulligan for DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol / Rey's Staff / Awakening, and Heroism. Getting a 2 upgrade in play and then dishing over a hot roll or breaking a good damage combo on Turn one will help you keep stride. It's a mistake to mulligan for Jetpack, as it doesn't build your consistency. The DL-44 does.

Critical thinking: Get DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol out as soon as you can. It's difficult to Disarm and with 3 non-bonus damage sides increases your ranged consistency a whole bunch. In fact, it's the only 3 cost card I will put in the deck beside Second Chance. Sometimes I will lead by rolling Han out to get money, grab the resources, and dump the gun on Rey, getting the 2 actions and the shield. This gun is a huge threat and will win you games.

Cute, but less consistent techs: Scavenge can help you dig for the DL-44 and Holdouts, but sometimes you will piss away great events in the process. It's often not worth it, but if you hit the DL-44 it can be. Another temptation I see every build fall prey to is Infamous. Seeing as how the deck is usually half (or more, depending on your build) blue, the card is not going to provide the benefit you believe it will. Han gets enough shields as it is, and you'll find that people are so hell bent on destroying Rey, your efforts are best served to keep her alive rather than milk the Ambush mechanic.

Han Rey is not quite the anti-thesis to King Jango, but I believe with this build it gets way more close. Other opinions and experiences welcome.


Deck104 61

I don't think using your blue events are better vs. Jango Fett than their yellow counterparts and Infamous. With 8 resource sides on your hero dice I'm really surprised you're so worried about high-cost equipment. I'd cut a staff and a blue upgrade for Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber and One with The Force.

licasanova 94

@Deck104 I understand your opinion. Like I said in the write up, I've played it that way before. And it was never consistent. Sure, on paper you have 8 resource sides, but you'll find a lot of times (especially sitting across from Vader, Kylo, or Jabba) that "on paper" doesn't mean that much.

Once I cut the cost curve of the deck, it became way more consistent. A lot of people play this list aggro style - the Lightsabers, Luke Skywalker's Lightsabers....and they get real heavy in your hand. Once I switched to a more sensible build I started winning games very handily through defensive play and taking damage resolutions when I can.

Appreciate your .02, but I respectfully disagree through tons of playtesting.