Me'-nage' Qui Gon

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

mboggess 1

I only listed in this deck cards that I currently own. I know that there are things that could be switched out or added, but like I said I just put in it what I have now.

The idea of this deck is to be heavy aggro, with the hopes of playing fast and with the use of Cargo Hold mixing and moving upgrades around to the characters that survive the longest. There are a fair amount of shields on the table too just to keep things interesting with Qui Gon's ability and so on.

The nice part of the character dice is that none of them have pay or modifier sides, so they can always act as base, and you can use all your resources on paying for upgrades and not damage. Of all the dice sides there are only 2 that have pay sides.

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