So angst! Much Broody! Wow! V 1.0

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

oldredhat 8

I played this previously in the Team Covenant Star Wars destiny Weekend tournament to a poor record (3-3 in Swiss, 4-2 in casual games afterward). I've since made some tweaks and now present V 1.0 of my Angst Deck!

My losses in the Tournament were on account of trying to play this deck like a slower midrange deck (Similar to Kylo/Dooku decks I'd favored before SOR released). As hard as it is to imagine, Sith Holocron is way to slow for this deck, and Force Throw/Mind Probe would often lag way to far behind the resolutions (cheated out using things like fast hands/etc) turn to turn to be a big impact! It Binds all things (and other supports) are also similarly way too slow to get much use out of them.

Instead, the philosophy behind this list is to get as much damage from Vader before he is taken out, while building up Kylo with damaging upgrades to close out the game. Your control and mitigation come from the vast pile of cheap Blue control that's been added from SOR.

You should heavily Mulligan for either: Cheap upgrades that allow you to ramp into bigger ones ( Vibroknife, Makashi Training, or Lure of Power) or a combination of Enrage and one of the lightsabers (Kylo Ren's Lightsaber or Lightsaber) You should put your upgrades on Kylo Ren. All of them. You won't get more than three out in a game, and it serves two purposes to put them on Kylo: Vader is going to die first against any competent player, and enough upgrades may convince players to target him first leaving Vader as a more consistent damage dealer.

Deflect, Feel Your Anger, and High Ground, and Isolation are fairly straightforward removal.

Doubt is a an amazing card! Use it to remove a dice with a large modifier side (they can't resolve a modified side and have to remove the dice), or at worst have them resolve a character die before they can pair it with a modified die.

Manipulate can help feed the absolute beast that is Anger. When possible you should always use Manipulate first to give you the needed blanks to use Anger.

Mind Trick is expensive (thus the one-of), but absolutely brutal to anyone that is patiently trying to set up for a monster turn.

Boundless Ambition allows you another full hand of re-rolls when you're trying to sneak in a lethal before someone drops a 2nd chance next turn, or to close out a game. Similarly Lightsaber Throw allows you to sneak in some extra damage.

Rebel War Room - Yavin IV allows you to take advantage of both Kylo and Vader's paid sides, and resources will be a bit of a premium. Don't be afraid to resolve Kylo's resource side whenever you roll them.

You should also not be afraid to discard upgrades in favor of your cheap removal/mitigation cards. Vader by himself without any upgrades will pump out some impressive and consistent damage, if you have to blow through a couple of turns without an upgrade, don't panic.

Also be aware of Cunning, this card will destroy you because of Vader's ability (he takes 4 damage when they resolve Cunning's special to resolve Vader's special). You should target Maz/Jabba/Unkar first in most games with that thought in mind. Your biggest struggles are going to be against decks that can use your special against you, or decks that cheat out a lot of actions (Rey/FN, but that isn't anything new for most decks).

Also a comment on Force Speed. While this card is great in a lot of decks, it is a pretty poor include in this deck. I ran in in the tournament, and for most games the special side would sit in my dice pool and do nothing. It's way too slow and I think it's a pretty poor usage in a deck that has so few actions to resolve.

Anyway, let me know what you think, or if you have any cards you'd tweak or change out!

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