A Fistful of Dice

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Fay 3

Just to see the look on your opponent's face when you bring 34 dice to the table.

Playing Jedi Robes on Rey turn one is very important. Mulligan aggressively to get them (pitch literally everything that isn't Jedi Robes). The extra two shields will give you some nice survivability and they are essentially free.

You have way more dice cards than you can actually play so the special of Poe Dameron allows you leverage all of your expensive cards that would otherwise sit in your hand such as Launch Bay. Also, you will have a lot of redundant upgrades so don't be afraid to discard them to re-roll your dice until you're happy with them.

Have fun rolling a fistful of dice!

1 comment

Steeltoe 1

I would suggest going down to 1 of each of the 5 cards that targets blue characters only (in case Rey is taken out early), and add some Field Medic, Riposte, and Deflect for defense/healing.