Working for the Mon

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Working for the Mon 0 0 0 3.0
Inspiration for
Working for the Mon 1 0 0 5.0

MTUethomas 39

I pulled Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician and Rebel Commando and traded a Jedi Acolyte for a Padawan to replace Hired Gun so that it could be in this deck.

I'm especially interested in getting Planned Explosion to go off using lots of re-rolling.

I added more dice concentrated on upgrades, especially red upgrade dice. There are still a number of droids so rolling out sometimes takes a while.

I'd like to keep the emphasis on events and am starting to wonder with Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician's ability if it might not actually be better to go all 3 colors in order to more fully mess with opponent die. It can be tricky to remember to use those rerolls but they help alot with getting that 10.

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