Mono Blue Bad Guys

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

customerserv1ce 8

came up with this deck because many vader raider decks are stuggling to deal with that fact that it is now common knowledge to focus vader first at my local store; some are cutting holocron package and running gaffi sticks for redeploy. I cooked this up to see if Royal with Chee could alleviate some of the pressure on vader using its Guardian keyword and hard hitting melee sides.


mykelen 118

I strongly recommend putting in an Immobilize, mostly for shields. I played against a deck very similar to this at a Store Championship and obliterated Vader in three turns. I understand you want to be aggro af but maybe take out Kylo Ren's Lightsaber and Makashi Training to put the Immobilize in there, and use trickier methods at not only killing your opponent, but staying alive as well.

Peacelord 1155

I did a whole deck build series on this pairing: REALLY good fun!