ePalp3/eWatto (Dice Of Failure Original)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Sly Palpy 0 0 1 1.0
ePalp3/eWatto 1 1 0 1.0
ePalp3/eWatto: First Try 0 0 4 1.0
Palp and Watto 0 0 0 1.0
Wattotine 0 0 0 1.0

Dice of Failure 822

See my detailed writeup here.

One thing different from the article. I swapped out Truce for A Tale of Tragedy. The extra resource on the fly was nice, but too many of my playtests hinged on whether or not Watto rolled well. A Tale of Tragedy all but guarantees consistency out of Watto's dice, and it's a good way to guarantee 3 resources (net 2) to play with if Watto decides he only wants to discard or disrupt.

Cards I'm considering:

It Binds All Things - It's not nearly as good in the short term as Forbidden Lore. Forbidden Lore is a free cost reduction that essentially lowers my deck size, with its card-draw. That said, when round 3 rolls around, I'd love to have It Binds.

Endow - The endow play is interesting. It helps pacing with cards like Force Jump, and even just the value of getting a third roll out of Force Storm could be huge. That said, I'm not convinced this ends up as anything more than a one-of, especially with the other tech we may need to work in.

Protective Suit - This will likely become a 2-of eventually, but there's no point in teching for a meta that doesn't exist. If Palp gets big and Mind Extraction rises up to challenge it, then you'll have to run Protective Suit, the same way Caster decks had to run Shield Generator. Until that time, I'm gonna leave it out.

I think the most expendable cards here are Malice and Stifle.

Malice is just a bad die. Might be good for one damage and a discard in the entire dang game. It's only good because it's 1-cost, which fuels Palp's health and further enables Bacta Therapy, and that might be worth it on its own.

Stifle is wonderful! Especially when you're rolling out high-value dice like Force Storm, you really want to stop that mitigation. But when you start asking what you would get rid of if you want things like Endow or It Binds All Things, that's up there.


Ozmodon 1

Think of Malice as resource storage. Just overwrite it later

KyloSpren 204

Issue there @Ozmodon is you never want to overwwrite on palp because you can get more health just paying for more dice.

Fenn Rau II 126

Check out adding Force Pull. I think it would work well in your deck.

KyloSpren 204

Cool name @Fenn Rau II. We tested Force pull when building the deck. The issue is you don't want to activate Palp early because he needs to build. And if you play force pull late game it can be bad sequencing because of the temp it provides an opponent. Really hard to make that card viable.

Scales 638

In the article, you say "I’ve seen Palpatine put down a Force Storm, a Force Wave, and two Palpatine’s Lightsabers to gain four health—all in round one"

That's only two health right? As his ability only works on 'Abilities'

Dice of Failure 822

@Scales I was referring to Bacta Therapy, when I said he healed 4 damage. Bacta Therapy heals 1 per upgrade - not just ability.

Scales 638

@flyingdadbomb - hmm, you don't mention Bacta Therapy in that sentence. May want to reword it.

AlreadyPicked 14

I would not have thougth to use Watto. When/If Palpatine dies, how's Watto gonna end the game?

Zenclix 1

I am looking forward to trying this team. I am sure it is just me, but I’d be so nervous running Palp without a Protective Suit. Thanks!

Dice of Failure 822

@Zenclix I actually just got mind-extracted in a tournament, and I won that game! The card really can come at awkward times. In this case, I already had Force Storm and Force Wave, and he spent money he could have used on mitigation. So I just discarded down to those and then crushed with Force Storm. It's not always the end of the world. I imagine it can be, though.

Dice of Failure 822

@AlreadyPicked this is definitely a deck that dies with Palpatine. If you want to change that, you can definitely try to fit in Vader's Fist, but I think that's a fool's errand in a Palp deck. I'd rather be spending my money fattening him up. I think trying to fit in five resources for a plan B is sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy: you might not have needed a plan B if you didn't spend money on it.

I'm interest in hearing how it tests, though, if you or anyone else gives it a shot!

Zenclix 1

@flyingdadbomb well done. Thanks for the reply!

That player who brings mill 97

What do you think about having Theed Royal Palace - Naboo instead of Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine as the battlefield just so you can get one more resource at the beginning of the round?

KyloSpren 204

@That player who brings mill with the new Theed errata you have to remove a die to get the dollar. It won't be worth it.

Dice of Failure 822

@That player who brings mill well Theed did get needed, so it's not simply an extra resource.

That said, testing the deck with the post-errata Theed is actually still great. What it is is a refund on the Watto Power Action. If you can't get his dice to comply, you can just remove it to get that money back.

So, even post-nerf, I think it's the right call.

Stephilmike 22

What about Dangerous Maneuver for some extra free health on Palp?

KyloSpren 204

Dangerous manuver is tricky in that you pay 0 to move damage @Stephilmike. But you use a cards slot to do so. And any ability already provides half that benefit with more on top.