Rainbow Snoke Supports (Now With More Pew Pew!)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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WookieNipplePinchy 9

New Snoke list after the errata. Since Snoke + Watto is bad now, we play Greedo for his 3 Snoke-able sides. The Entourage engine also isn't as great without a starting Scoundrel that will stick around for a bit, but I've played it and it isn't terrible. AR usually gets Solar Sailer R1 for its valuable 2 focus and 2 resource sides, not to mention the free card every round. Grab Umbaran instead against certain 3-wide and obviously against any 4+wide decks. The game plan is pretty simple: Snoke a damage side every round and get money to play big supports with Delve or Tech Team, using your focus to turn their dice into massive damage. Landing Crafts give you some more staying power and Snoke-able dudes, and you are playing the best mitigation Villain has to offer.

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