maul ret

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
maul con 0 0 0 1.0
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1 comment

CactusTravis 86

Played this last night. Went 2-1 overall and won the event. Matches as follows:

Round 1 WIN vs Yoda2/Han4 - Maul puts up a lot of damage and is able to focus down Yoda while hitting bonus damage on Han. Hard to keep up with. Dropped han at the end of round 2 with yoda sitting around 5 remaining Health. Was able to close the game early round 4.

Round 2 WIN vs Han4/Chewey - We had tested this matchup before and knew it to be really swingy. The action cheating in his deck can really put the pressure on and just kill Maul before he can react. Luckily that wasn't the case this time and some bad rolls kept Maul alive long enough to close the game out.

Round 3 LOSE vs. Reylo - This matchup is usually in Mauls favor in my testing but horrendous rolls meant by the end of round 2 I had dealt only 3 damage. VERY bad start for Maul. Sometimes the dice aren't in your favor. Missing all but 1 power action put him way behind in the damage race.

Overall, Maul is still probably the most fun deck I have played in standard. He feels very strong but rolls and interaction can disrupt your plan. He does a good job at focusing on the main threat but still scoring hits against the secondary that he does very well in the mid mid matchup when he doesn't Yahtzee blanks.