Obi-wan R2D2 Top 4 Niles IL Prime Championship

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
"I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid..." Madison, W 0 0 1 1.0

Sabn512 74

I had an awesome time at this prime. I was able to go with a somewhat large group of close friends and 4 of us managed to make the top 8. Thanks to everyone that I played, it was a blast. Also sorry if I screw up the order or named of the matches.


Round 1-Win-Reylo I felt fairly confident going into this matchup due to the large amount of unblockable I was able to deal. Draw Closer was an awesome card in this matchup with being able to deal 8 damage from one 3 side. Sorry I dont remember your name, but I hope you and your son enjoyed your first prime.

Round 2-Win-Padme,Rose,Satine I was so excited to hear that this deck was being ran. I love when people bring less conventional decks that are still strong. I heard about it from a friend who just lost against it to find he was my next round. I went after satine first attempting to turn off spot yellow because of the value on obi-wans dice and how easily they walk into Easy Pickings. I managed to kill her early round 2 with some damage on padme. He managed to get 2 Resistance Crait Speeder down and a B-Wing but could not get the rolls he was looking for. After the game ended we saw all his big vehicles at the bottom of the deck. Great game man! I thought it was awesome of you to bring that deck. Round 3-Loss-Aphra,Grevious,Sentinel John is a great player and our game was very close. He managed to get both his droids out round 1 and a Vader's Fist down round 3. I was able to soak up a large amount of his indirect with sheilds. It came down to a one health R2-D2 - Loyal Companion and a 2 health Sentinel Messenger with 2 shields. I roled a special on the Yoda's Lightsaber but was not able to keep a shield on for the 2 unblockable. John was a great guy to play with and I was glad to see him later in the top 8.

Round 4-Win-Ewoks Chris Tanner was one of the guys from our group who we did a lot of testing with. I felt confident going into the match being able to spike damage fast. He managed to get a decent amount of damage in 1st round but luckily i was able to kill off 2 Ewok Warrior to set me up for a good 2nd round. Chris is a very smart player who had a brutal ewok deck, I think if it werent for all the shields I would have lost this game.

Round 5-Loss-Maul,Mando Gabe is one of my closest friends and I was really sad we had to play each other. He's actually the one who introduced me to the game and is a very good player. In testing I have not lost against this build but in all honesty he just rolled me off the table dealing around 9 damage first round, and killing both characters 2nd round. Great game Gabe im glad you made top cut.

Round 6-Win-Reylo Mike is another guy from our group who was stuck between either playing ewoks or reylo. It was looking like a loss with him being able to spike R2-D2 - Loyal Companion down I believe 2nd round. A Pushing Slash was able to win me the game with rolling and flipping into a 3,3,2,3 showing on my dice.

Round 7-Win-Ewoks with Preemptive Strike I have not played against an ewok deck with this plot before and was concerned that initial 2 indirect could cost me the game. the 2 shields from a jedi lightsaber made up for it. I spiked 2 ewoks down round 1 and was able to pull off a win.

Top 8-Aphra,Grevious, Sentinel

Round 1-Win My first match of the top cut I got to play John who I played earlier in the swiss. I killed grevious 2nd round and my opponent didnt wuite get the cards he needed.

Round 2-Win This game went very similar but my opponent did not get either of his droids out till late game.

Top 4-Palp,Watto

Round 1-Loss I knew going into this matchup it was going to be tough. Going into palp you need to hit a certain damage cap round one that i was not able to hit. A fatal blow managed to kill R2-D2 - Loyal Companion with him rolling 2 on both his character dice and me only being able to mitigate one.

Round 2-Win This game was a short game with me being able to spike around 8 damage first round.

Round 3-Loss I think this game was in my favor early on, he took my battlefield and the sheilds saved him. A nice roll on watto also allowed him to accumulate 6 resources early game allow him to play the cards he needed. Thanks for the games Chris, you seemed like a really cool guy and id be happy to play you again. Congrats on 2nd place!


whozeppelin224 15

Congrats on your performance! Any changes you would make?

Sabn512 74

@whozeppelin224nothing really stood out. Most of my games remained fairly consistent. I tried to squeeze in a steadfast originally but I never really found the space for it over pushing slash and draw closer.

Tantastic19 54

Congrats on the win. You have given me many different cards to try in decks during out locals. My Ewoks lost by only 4 health and this was a great game. Isiah has been a great help while we played during our locals to grow as a player over the last year. The draw closer card is now a staple in all of my blue sticks decks.