Mike's Comics, New Baltimore MI 03/05/17 Top 4 (1)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

rradim 1

Mike's Comics and Games in New Baltimore, Michigan 03/05/2017

Our top 4 decided to split pack support, so no clear winner. This team finished undefeated through swiss.


krzykoopa 1

So you play squad tactics to activate a single trooper? This is not the first deck I seen with only 1 non-unique character and squad tactics. What am I missing?

rradim 1

@krzykoopa I don't think you're missing anything. I didn't run this deck personally, just cataloging decks for the store. I believe the squad tactics was just a misplayed card. I know the guy that ran the deck had tried out trooper/trooper at some point. I think he decided to splash more yellow because of limited card access and forgot to remove it, he may have been running Tusken Raider in a previous build as well.

Ultimate 1

Pshh idk what this crazy coopa kid talking about. squad tactics is op in this deck. It will always surprise your opponent AND it gives you one less card in your hand for re-rolls. So since you have less actions for re-rolls you will be claiming battlefield quicker. Then every play after that your opponent is going to be waiting for that second tactical mastery. But jokes on them...cause you only run one

Ultimate 1


krzykoopa 1

@rradimoh ok I got ya. @UltimateGood Points didn't think of that