Annie's Girls

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

BuraddoRun 17

This is my first attempt at a mill deck. The idea was of course to mill with Padme and try to keep her alive with dice removal and rerolls, healing, and shields. Leia gave me access to red cards and her ability is nice when I don't roll what I want. There's also what I thought was a good amount of resource gain in the deck. I used 1 lone Spirit of Rebellion card, C-3PO, because it's so good, but I only have 1 at the moment. I put in my 1 copy of the Millennium Falcon just because it has good non-damage sides and I figured I could afford it, but once I get a 2nd C-3PO I'll replace that I'm sure.

So my first game went better than expected at least. It literally came down to the last round, where my friend and I both had both run out of cards in our decks. Leia was dead, Padme was alive with 7 life and no shields, and of course my opponent's eHan and eRey both had full life and 3 shields. I had 5 cards in hand and my opponent had 2. I had claimed the Battlefield the previous round, so the first thing I did was play a Cunning. He rolled Rey and got no damage. I rolled and got my Scout Special and Padme's Discard! Success! Except then he rolled out 9 damage with Han. I had even rolled 1 shield with Infiltrate, but that wouldn't be enough to save me. So I Scouted one card from his hand and then he shot me before I would have won the very next turn. Sigh.

I think I played things a little too safe in the beginning. I had used a lot of my resources on events, rerolling, healing, and removing my opponent's dice, instead of packing on upgrades that would have helped me win. I mean, I literally went 2-3 rounds with just 1 upgrade on each of my characters! I don't think that was the ideal way to play. LOL. My opponent claimed quite a few times, letting a couple of small things like a discard, resource gain, or singular damage sit unused, simply to avoid losing cards from Command Center. That was nice to see.

Comments and criticisms always welcome! Of course by the time this posts there will be tons of new SoR cards to play around with!

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