The Master and the Rookie

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Master and the Rookie 10 9 2 2.0

Focus Ninja 1598

Good build dude

trooperhuge 15

I ran this deck right when i got the cards form legacy here is what I did to improve it

somesamurai 1

No Force Misdirection?

macungiegeek 177

I’m still play testing. Overall, the deck has been very consistent and very successful. I went 3-0 against a friend using ePoe/eHondo. I planned on putting Force Misdirection in and replacing two of the sabers since the deck is very saber heavy. Problem is that the deck has been so successful I kind of think, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

JustJackGDP 408

I think if you have two Lightsaber Pull you can probably drop one of Rey's Lightsaber and Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber since they are both unique.Frees up two more slots for something else.

amithen 1

Wouldn't Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine be more useful than Echo Base as your opponents are less likely to be able to gain shields?

Ramin2-D2 550

no Overconfidence or Force Misdirection ? better removal. and probably add Heirloom Sabers for redeploy.

macungiegeek 177

I published a 2.0. I went 5-1 with the update last night. I took out the vibroknife because I forgot it got nerfed. I also took out 1 Obi Saber and 1 Rey Saber. I added R2 and Heirloom saber. R2 was a great addition. The heirloom saber didn’t make that big of a difference.