The Master and the Rookie

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
The Master and the Rookie 21 13 8 1.0
Inspiration for
The Master and the Rookie 1 1 0 3.0

macungiegeek 177

I took out the vibroknife because I forgot it got nerfed. I also took out 1 Obi Saber and 1 Rey Saber. I added R2 and Heirloom saber. R2 was a great addition. The heirloom saber didn’t make that big of a difference.


Ramin2-D2 550

Overconfidence and Force Misdirection. probably better than Mislead and Something Familiar

Traxlenak 9

There shouldn't be any reason to take echo base over Obi-wan's Hut