Discard Deck

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

adran06 254

Mulligan Priorities

1) Any Dice Manipulation

2) Sith Holocron

3) Any Discard Card, but preferably Interrogation Droid

4) Dark Presence

5) Any other Dice Manipulation

Dice Manipulation (21 cards)

Force Choke

Force Focus

Force Push

Flame Thrower


Feel Your Anger

I Am Your Father

Mind Trick


Something familiar

Dark Presence

Hand/Deck Discard (10 cards, plus Characters)

Asajj Ventress - Force Assassin

Quinlan Vos - Dark Disciple (he has a Discard on his die)

Interrogation Droid

Force Choke

Force Push

Mind Probe

Abandon All Hope

I Am Your Father

This is primarily a Mill Deck, but it has a strong potential for damage as well. You'll probably notice a distinct lack of common Mill cards. That's because the focus is on Discarding, which forces draws, rather than direct Mill. This also makes it very easy to finish off the opponent when they're out of Deck.

Your primary goal is to mitigate damage through Dice Manipulation. If you can turn 2 sides of their die to blanks, they either have to accept the blanks or Discard/Mill 2 cards. If that re-roll fails, they have that same choice again. Either way, you win.

However, this is a potentially slow mill method, so there is a secondary win method. If the opponent chooses NOT to deplete their hand, Kylo Ren's Starfighter and Mind Probe turn their large hand against them. If they deplete it, Quinlan Vos - Dark Disciple turns their now (mostly) empty hand into damage. Regardless, between the other cards, there's a surprising amount of damage available, if not as much as in a pure damage deck. If Milling seems to be ineffective, do not be afraid to focus on blasting them for as much damage as you can til you get a set-up where you can wipe out their hand reliably. If they play a card to remove a die, that's fine. That just means they Milled themselves.

In the long run, between all the dice control and discarding, you SHOULD be able to win either by damage or mill. Feedback is welcome, as this deck isn't tested yet!

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