Yaalya and Wolves... Can I get some help with WTF?

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Origins GQ Trilogy 6-0 Yaalya 12 10 13 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

triplenine 8

I played a Trilogy SC with this going 2 and 2. I made a few mistakes that could have helped better that score if I had not made them but I am pretty happy with it overall but I have another trilogy SC coming up and I am trying to optimize it a bit more. Any thoughts on cards from WTF that might be more useful than Inner Strength and Force Focus? I like them but got very little use out of them when I was in a hurry.


Drop it like it's Hutt 166

You need two Pacify. I'd cut upgrades like you're suggesting, because I feel like 14 is too heavy for 2 characters. I kinda like Division in the Force too, but I'm not totally sold on it yet.

triplenine 8

Yeah. Right after I posted this I flipped past Pacify and had the same thought.