Store Championship Winner - Snokin' Hot Mama

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

tonyfiorello 15

I've been playing around with this deck for a little while now. It's been doing decent on TTS so I took it to a couple Store Championships over the weekend here in Kansas City. Saturday went 2-2 in a 16 person championship. Losses were rounds 3 and 4 to a hot rolling Solo Sabine Wren - Explosives Expert and the SC winner running a shield heavy Steps.

Sunday went better. There were only 8 players so it was a little smaller, but this deck went 3-0 to win it.

Round 1: eDarth Vader - Sith Lord / Mandalorian Super Commando W

Round 2: eYoda / eCassian Mill W

Round 3: eArihnda Pryce/eKylo W

The idea is pretty simple. Snoke - Supreme Leader is great, Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch is a great value too. So I wanted to put them together. With Talzin's ability, I can get the 2 on Snoke pretty consistently so I only needed him at 1 die. That let me put a second Talzen die with the Trooper to splash in some Red. I was worried about Mill so I wanted a character combo that could pump out enough damage without upgrades. This combo does 7-8 damage per turn with just characters.

Usually the plan was Mulligan for at least 1 Force Speed, 1 Torment, and 1 DH-17 Blaster Pistol. Put the Force Speed on Snoke, and the Torment on the Trooper (he is usually my target for the Snoke ability). I almost always wanted to Snoke for damage, but if the trooper rolls the I never pass up 4 for 1 damage. Money was usually reserved for my control cards, but against a 3 or 4 wide deck, Force Wave was a beast. The rest of the deck is pretty self explanatory. I have the IQA-11 in there for some more sides and to add some more non-blue cards to combat Kylo. Deflect was because it's odd-cost removal and works really well against the 3 vehicle dice that are usually hanging around.

Round 1: eDarth Vader - Sith Lord / Mandalorian Super Commando

Vader couldn't quite get his rolls and ran into removal the few times he actually hit big damage. He went down late turn 2 and I thought I had this match in the bag. Next thing I know the Mando has 2 chance cubes hit 3 each. Next turn was Dark Ritual and Rise Again back to back and I was staring down a 12 health Vader with a Darksaber. Luckily the zombie Vader was still rolling weak and I managed to continue to mitigate when there was damage.

Round 2 eYoda / eCassian Mill

I started out hot here putting 8 damage into Cassian turn 1. I knew if I could take him out ASAP I could damage Yoda before he could mill me out by himself. I took an early claim of Imperial Palace - Coruscant and took the Second Chance out of my opponents hand. Was able to play around the Easy Pickings I knew was in hand early round 2 and took out Cassian. The rest was just put enough damage out there to get through Yodas shields.

Round 3: eArihnda Pryce/eKylo

This was a pretty similar outcome as the game before. Managed to put 8 damage into Arihnda turn 1 and played a Tactical Mastery action 1 in round 2 on Talzen to take her out and cut off the spot Red cards. I kept a Flank and IQA-11 Blaster Rifle in my hand basically the whole game and played a blue card first action most turns to avoid Kylos ability. I don't think there was ever more than a 50/50 to choose the right color and escaped with my opponent only hitting me for the damage once.


Destiny Deck Analysis 271

Do you think Arihnda Pryce - Unscrupulous Governor is the right target in the Kylo/Pryce matchup?

draken1001984 28

@Destiny Deck Analysis I was the running the Kylo /Pryce deck. Kylo had 2 shields on him and being able to critically hit (80% damage) the secondary character is the right move vs 50% on Kylo. This shuts off Kylo hitting for 3 damage for the game. Especially when you are able to control your hand to keep the odds less than 50/50 for Kylo's ability.

I will say, @tonyfiorello had an answer for just about every roll out of dice I had and it was an incredibly built deck.

tonyfiorello 15

@Destiny Deck Analysis yea I would say in general it's a toss up. For this matchup and my deck, Pryce was the answer for sure. Here is my thinking, Kylo had two shields, and I want to say he put down an Ancient Lightsaber turn 1. So it was a 16 health kylo at that point. My deck runs light on dice and I didn't have Force Speed, so I knew The Best Defense... could wreck me and had to get rid of that possibility. I only had 2 blue cards in hand to start the game so I knew I could keep Kylo's ability at bay most of the match.