Droid Mamas

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Fahs 126

Been wanting to build with Iden Versio - Inferno Squad Commander and Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter for awhile now, and figured rotation is as good a time as any! While it's missing the wide HP pool of other Aphra decks, I think it's fun and offers an interesting choice for who opponents want to focus down first.

With some Aphra-friendly events like Automated Defense and Testing Procedure, the idea is to do Aphra-things by getting our 0-0-0, BT-1, and the always fun Hailfire Droid Tank out as soon as possible. Inferno Squad ID10 Seeker Droid is a nice bonus if you can toss it on Iden early to really utilize that .

In favor of a bit more mitigation in the deck, I've opted to ditch the useful Reprogram (at least until the newer Aphra toys come out) with the smiling Riot Shield. Battle Fatigue is also a card that was considered and may make it back in if fat sides are common in Convergence, but I opted to go for the on-demand use Electroshock if my damage hasn't spread properly.

I've also added the fun combo of Nefarious Deed + Sebulba Always Wins as the most potent support hate option, with the extra utility of sneaking unblockable damage in if needed.

I've added Energize in case we want to inch another die of damage out or we lost an important dice to mitigation, and threw in Strike Back so we can utilize the majority of Iden's sides without losing her Ability and keeping her in the pool

Salt Flats - Crait is an overall solid Battlefield that can benefit me but not allow a runaway round for my opponent if they're slightly faster. While it's not as useful as Docking Bay - Finalizer was for recycling Bubble Shield, it will do in the meantime as the ladies' choice of planet until a better option comes around.

Open to feedback and suggestions!

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