Hondo & His Merry Gang of Pirates

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

helikaon 34

Moxie or just not worth it? I know it would knock out Through The Pass as an option.

kennyg21 97

@helikaon not sure if I would run Moxie, Hondo is always the first target and is usually dead by the end of Round 2

artyzipp 7

@kennyg21 how has this been testing out?

kennyg21 97

@artyzipp it's been great! so far, taken it to 4-2. Both losses I did not pull an Entourage until Round 3 which really hurts my damage output. Even still, those were closer than I would've expected.

I've landed the Through The Pass with Entourage a couple times as well. It's brutal. Essentially having 3 Entourage roll outs in one round late game reaaally helps maximize damage. I love it. So fun to pull off.

Currently has beaten Jango/Dengar, Jabba/SM/Wat, Maul/Marauder, and Mace/Satine.

Losses were to Mace/Satine and Aphra/Wat/SM/Grand Design. The Aphra match was brutal, got one entourage out, snagged the other entourage, and then opponent played Desperate Measures and also resolved a discard into the other Entourage.