Yoda & Bail

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Yoda Bail Admiral - Prime Winner 19 11 11 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.

clauberalex 36

So, trying to make something off the meta while Covert Missions doesn't drop. Doing pretty well in our weekly tournaments. Currently 13-3.

Many upgrades to make reseting Yoda even more of a threat: Guardian of the Whills can be played for free thanks to Bail's ability, then transfered to Yoda for a shield and replaced by a weapon (diminishing its effective cost by one); Jedi Lighsaber and Treasured Lightsaber are great for their on-play effects, the first one gives two shields to Yoda e the latter keeps you buying cards so you can get that Admiral ASAP; Niman Mastery is just awesome, being able to change a die on play (your opponent's or Bail's) and/or special chaining Admiral and Obi's Saber is game changing (and even Treasured or Yoda's Saber can close up some games); Dagger of Mortis is just an awesome weapon; Admiral is the reason this deck exists. You will usually play it paying only 3 (due to Bail's passive) or even 2 (using You Are In Command Now) resources, and you should have two spare resources to prepare Yoda again (remember you can always overwrite some other weapon).

This deck is light on removals, you will usually rely on resolving that 4 side to maintain Yoda alive and Bail's is also a great soft control.

Become One is very versatile, specially on that 4, as you can use it to close up some games (turning that 1 into 5 damage is great) but also to ramp in the first turns (yes, 5 is great) and dismantling your opponent's game (a 5 is not trivial). I'll probably drop Jedi Mind Trick or Rout for another one of these.

Salt Flats is great as it usually cannot be used against you (Yoda, Admiral, Niman, Yoda's Lightsaber, none of those dice have blanks). And when you use it to turn a Bail die to those 2, it just get things done.


wkerlick 1

@clauberalex has the Jedi Mind Trick been useful? I saw the Prime Winner said he would trade it out.

clauberalex 36

Truth be told, no, it hasn't been very useful. The only matchups I usually use it are Palpatine and Phasma. And, even in those, not that much. A smart Phasma player can keep resolving dice as they come into pool. And when a Palpatine die hit that 2 melee dice and he has a Fatal Blow on hand, he will split his dice in such a way that you will be paying 2 resources to remove that single die. So, yeah, not that useful, unfortunately.