FNett 2.0

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
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FNett 0 0 0 1.0
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Book 1394

I desperately wanna play General Grievous - Jedi Hunter, but, alas, I ended up putting this together in the process. Both characters are mixed damage, sort of the inverse of the other. However, this makes for some great quick synergies with the bevy of new upgrades.

We all know what Jango does, and the writing is on the wall for FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper. I put in a bunch of efficient in expensive damage with as few modified sides as possible. We have 6 total ambush weapons, which is just nasty with these two. Play, replace, and abuse with FN. Or pants up Fett for a free activation. The Jetpack is obv intended for Fett--not a hot one when deployed on FN since a weapon it is not.

Finishing damage from Backup Muscle. Bait and Switch is certainly good with Fett, as well as other cards in the deck. Tactical Mastery for sneaking in kill damage.

We have a number of control cards in Doubt, Electroshock, He Doesn't Like You, and the somewhat questionable Unpredictable--this may be better as One-Quarter Portion, though having resources to chain weapons is important if you don't wanna always overwrite. Another option is Cheat, though I am not sure for which cards.

Lastly, we have Armor Plating for some extra HP. Hunker Down is too slow and this deck can claim and Dug in isn't so great now with Vibroknife in the meta. Our battlefield allows us to get back weapons to keep abusing FN where possible--and Plating!

Unlike a lot of Jango builds, I rarely put any upgrades on Mr. Fett beyond the Jetpack--ya know, unless FN dies. Months of bad experiences leads many to attack the poor clone first, but, alas, that is not the right play. FN is the strength of this deck. Overwriting your weapons provides some very solid turns. At a glance, one might go "six 3-cost upgrades???" But when you are are using the last upgrade as a rebate for the new, 3 isn't steep at all. Baton, Thrower, and Knucklers are just gross to roll and resolve. Ironically, Holdout joins baby Blaster as a weak link in the arsenal--but even then, they can be deadly good.

As a quick aside, I have seen a lot of people trying to play the new Vader with FN, and, after playing this deck and against the other, I think this one is by far stronger. Better control. Better weapons. More speed in the form of Jango. It's a different deck, sure, but I think a better one at that. The shockingly low six red cards should give you a decent idea of just how deep yellow is as an option for FN. I have literally had games where I win on turn two after playing 3-5 weapons and hitting grotesque rolls. And beyond the potential explosive draws, the deck is just damn solid.

If you put a gun (or vibroknife) to my head, I would almost say that Plating and Doubt are the weak links. And even then, they come in damn handy more often than not.

Now, enough banter. Go kill someone already.


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