Yoda Cassian Anakin Mill - Won 2 Store Champs

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
111 Player Store Champs Winner! "Miller Time" 43 29 13 1.0
Inspiration for
Hero 3 Wide Mill - 1st Place SC - Anti Sabine 0 0 0 1.0
Yoda Cassian Anakin Mill 0 0 0 1.0
Yoda Cassian Anakin Mill - 4-3 POLISH 1 0 0 1.0
Millionairs - Michigan Regional Winning List 3 2 0 1.0

TinyGrimes 3210

I won a Socal SC with this today, going 4-0. My buddy John won with it 2 weeks ago. The Hyperloops gang brought a version of the deck to Gencon, and won with it. This is a powerful deck that will be shaping the meta until the next set.

It's power comes from the insane amount of life and the very limited clock that you place on your opponent. Every upgrade is milling from hand or deck, or supplying life. Anakin's podracer is a must include and will often win games when played turn 1.

My favorite part of the deck is that it plays like a control deck. You always have a variety of removal options at your disposal.

I have created a video for the list here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzC8_kL_U7M


Olsen 311

Thanks for sharing the List. Ich like that build a lot. The Mandalorian Vambraces ist there for the mill mirror.right? It seems as if mill ist becomming more popular. Which cards would you change die mirror Match? PS: i like your YouTube Videos alot.

Olsen 311

Edition: congrats for the win;)

outrun 368

This list is bad

TinyGrimes 3210

@Outrun I can assure you that the list is not bad. It has gone about 20-1, including 2 undefeated runs in Store Champs. I would be interested to hear what choices you would make that are different.

jedidomer 58

No flames no fire

TinyGrimes 3210

@OlsenVambrances is good for several reasons. It's a card with a mill side that, if I have extra money, I may get multiple uses out of in a turn. But yes, it is good in the mill mirror. Up until Gencon, I didn't expect to see much mill. Post Gencon, I would like to find a way to add a second one. I also would probably add a copy of Rebel, to be able to grab a Vambrace. I have not had a chance to determine what cards I would remove, but I would probably start with Clanestine Operation. As I state in the video, Clandestine is certainly a good card, but emptying decks has never been an issue.

Olsen 311

Thank you for the reply. Na first Version of the deck Had two copys of Rebel and i liked IT. Playing a third or fourth copy of Easy Pickings can be frustrating for your opponent.

Drop it like it's Hutt 166

Are you claiming to use the healing on Medical Center - Kaliida Shoals? Otoh Gunga - Naboo gives half the healing but also gets you first turn in the next round. How are you weighing those costs/benefits? BTW, I'm a big fan of the Smuggler's Den.

TinyGrimes 3210

@Drop it like it's HuttI didn't get to use the battlefield once. No one wanted me to have the opportunity to heal 2. Then, when they claim first, I go first. I think the weirdness of it and the 2 healing means I usually get to have 2 shields, which is great.

billeddy 20

nobody in their right mind will give you the ability to go first -- they will take battlefield but not use claim ability. This was mentioned on the Smuggler's Den a year ago. ;) Preventing us from healing sounds very cool. :)

billeddy 20

I would like to drop... Clandestine Operation x1, Friends in Low Places x1, and Entangle x1 in favor of adding ... Hyperspace Jump x1 and Rebel x2

Perhaps we don't need the extra hyperspace, but what about 2 rebel vs 1??

Thanks for your insights.

jedidomer 58

When they claim with medical centre, they don’t need to use the claim ability which also means they don’t have to give you control.

outrun 368

@billeddy there is definitely something to be said for rebel. But the mirror absolutely requires 2 entangle, amongst other changes this list doesn't have. Clandestine is also needed for the mirror. I went 4/5 against the mirror in a recent tournament

billeddy 20

@jedidomer isn't that what I was saying? Sorry if I was unclear... nobody is going to use the healing because their character will not have damage on it. So... they will claim but not give away going first. :)

billeddy 20

@outrun thanks for the advice. I will make room for the second Entangle. Is one Hyperspace Jump enough? We don't fret the aggro players?

TinyGrimes 3210

@billeddyhaha, yeah commenting while tired is a bad plan. I'm not actually convinced what BF is the right choice. Both healing ones are good. I haven't liked the discard one, but others swear by it.

TinyGrimes 3210

@billeddyEntangle is a card that I definitely would not cut. Removing 2 dice is really strong. Rebel is a card that I would need to test more to see how many is right. The issue I face is not, is Rebel a good card for the deck. The issue is, is it so good that it warrants removing one of the other great cards.

JediConsular4hire 72

@TinyGrimes First off, want to say I enjoy your podcasts, and watching them helped me learn the meta faster as a new player (coming into the game rather late). For that, I thank you.

I’m always surprised by the simplicity of your decklists. At first glance I wouldn’t think this deck is very competitive, but the more I look at it, the more frustrating I feel it would be to play against. Mandalorian Vambraces seems weird, but the ability to put it back in your hand at any time I suppose is great for defense against another mill deck. Unless you plan on using Yoda’s special to focus though, I don’t know if I would bank on it’s one discard side? That’s just me...

Also, in your experience with this deck, how well has Force Meditation served you? Most people I assume will target Yoda first with him being elite, and well, very good. After he dies that card is useless in the deck other than for rerolls. It doesn’t have redeploy, I don’t know if I’m sold on Force Meditation in general. Why is this card good in your opinion?

I want to be clear I’m not denying the decklist’s competitiveness or viability. Just trying to figure out why the deck works so well, and if it could be even better. I do realize the combination of dice removal and discard you have is staggering.

pstalker 299

@TinyGrimes I have been running my version of this deck in the South Jersey meta and it has been working great for me. I don't know if you have tested it in any of your builds yet but I cant stress enough how great 2x Rebel is. It is literally 2 copies of ANY other card you want it to be. With so many discard sides on your dice AND the ability for Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy to turn the Anakin Skywalker's Podracer die to discard on command you shouldn't need to work hard to set it up. It is also great for when you draw cards early you dont need. Did you mulligan into Second Chance or Hyperspace Jump? No problem -- discard them for re-roll early and then use Rebel on them later. Such a great feeling for an opponent to think they are safe when they see Hyperspace Jump in the discard pile only for you to use Rebel on it to end the game....

Drop it like it's Hutt 166

@JediConsular4hire I run Yoda Cassian mill and completely understand the "it's dead when..." problem that can happen with this type of deck. It's definitely worth running Force Meditation in that, more upgrade-centered version of this deck. Maybe with Anakin and podracer it isn't essential, but it's a question of how quickly you want to burn your opponent's deck. And I think the value when you can drop it on Cassian before Yoda dies is huge.

TinyGrimes 3210

@pstalker I can definitely see 1 to 2 Rebels being correct. I haven't used them myself, but there are a lot of discard sides in the deck. In this mill heavy meta, My next iteration would try 2 Rebels.

Shayde 38

You don't want the discard battlefield, because the deck is slow as a hutt. Just going to see it used against you.

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

You guys are picking apart a deck that won two and Gencon. Rebel is trash in this deck. What are you going to Rebel? The card is too situational. And running one Clandestine is plenty for the same reason. The build is brilliant and I love it, especially Bartering

outrun 368

@Vitalogy10this isn't the gencon list at all

pstalker 299

@Vitalogy10 the whole point of Rebel is that it can be ANY card in your discard pile. What cards do you wish you had a 3rd or 4th copy of? 4 Easy Pickings? Sure! Make your opponent go through 4 Second Chance? Seems good to me....Did your opponent just get cute and play Flames of the Past to discard your Anakin Skywalker's Podracer? No problem just use Rebel to get it back into play again....

Separatist Arkhan 172

@outrun it's 7 cards differents. I do agree the gencon list is quite better, but there is enough common ground to compare them. In the end I think it just show how good this 3 characters are in a mill setting and how strong Anakin Podracer is with yellow/blue heroes removals.

Rhavas 9

What are the differences between this one and the one at GenCon?

outrun 368

@Arkhan if you don't think 25% of a list different is big

TinyGrimes 3210

@Arkhan @outrun @Vitalogy10 I would agree that these are basically the same lists. There are definitely some different removal choices made. For instance, I found 2 Crosshairs to be very powerful, while Mike's list went with another Beguile and a Flames to the Past. I have a Vambraces and Mike's list has a Goggles. These both are discarding. My thought was that I wanted a card to pressure the mirror with bouncing, whereas Goggles puts on different pressure. I think it is quite fair to compare these lists. What I think is most interesting, is that these were built completely independently, and landed in essentially the same spot. This lets you know how strong the core of the deck really is.

macropredator 1

Any suggestions of what I could use instead of the 2 x second chances?

Unfortunately I don't have this card.

Olsen 311

I think you need this Card. If you wont buy any. You should play maybe a second copy of Hyperspace Jump, but IT wont do the same.

Drop it like it's Hutt 166

@macropredator, just to add to @Olsen's comment: Second Chance is hard to replace because although more mitigation or healing will kind of get you the same effect, you lose the ability to overwrite an upgrade (I love doing this with Force Meditation when they don't have a lot of deck left) to get a 3-cost card out for only 1-2 resources. Lone Operative is something to consider, as are Dex's Diner and maybe Heightened Awareness. Changes how the deck plays, but might work for you.

Orffme 71

Is there a viable trilogies version of this deck? What changes would you make in a trilogies tournament? Thanks in advance for replies and I enjoy your swd content on the you tubes.

SillyJedi 477

how has into the crosshairs been? its 3 cost