Support Your Mercs

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

nmetken 23

So this deck came from a desire to make the heavy hitting supports for hero work. After playing the deck I was very surprised at how well the deck actually ran. Consistently able to put down 2-4 Ships per game and utilize their powerful sides to bring games home. This deck has one thing preventing it from being competitive in the current meta, Poe/Maz. The ability to chain Thermal Detonator into a deck like this for no cost is too strong. Regardless the deck can hold its own and potentially get it done should things roll right (or roll poorly I should say for the Poe/Maz player) and I wouldn't let that deter you from giving it a shot. To me it feels like a hero version of Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer and 2 Tie Pilot when they try to ramp into Slave I and AT-ST.

Card Choices


Ascension Gun - In reality this gun is more of a last resort to utilize damage if you are not able to get your supports out. The 2 ranged sides for free is stronger than a holdout blaster in this deck especially since we focus on yellow red events which can get rerolls on our dice from Mothma.

Jetpack/Overkill - Our heavy hitting supports and potentially our Hired Guns can utilize the modified damage sides of these dice very well and as an added bonus can help pull off Planned Explosions although not required, but if low on resources for the Hired Gun damage sides the 0 cost explosion will do nicely.

The main focus of the deck is the power of the supports. We will not win many races to the battlefield but rather capitalize on being left to our own devices with our powerful dice.


Quadjumper - This card is an all star in this deck. Usually a hard mulligan for this ship and another powerful support. Combo'd with all the resources from our characters and its ability it is easy to get out our heavy hitters turn 1. If not can pitch to reroll early on and utilize our battlefield in the early game to bring it back out at a discount. Underrated card.

Launch Bay - This card pretty much speaks for itself. Usually if this card hits the table turn 1 it can entirely warp your opponents play and change the game. The damage is awesome but it is also nice to wipe out your opponents hand from the word go. Usually once this hits the table the turns consist of roll Launch Bay and watch the magic happen unless you're afraid of Deflect. In the current meta though Deflect is getting cut alot since decks are so fast and that kind of removal is too situational for most.

U-Wing - This ships sides are so amazing and provide so much utility. The ability to utilize the special for either 6 damage or 6 shields is huge. Obviously Vibroknife cares not for shields but this card puts a hurting offensively. The 2 Focus side and resource sides also can help us ramp up the damage or ramp out more ships. Excellent Card.

Millennium Falcon - Surprisingly of the supports this one may be the "weakest." The 2 damage sides are awesome especially with our upgrades of course and the other sides provide surprising utility just like our U-Wing. Still strong but probably our third choice in terms of supports we want to get out if we have a preference.


Obviously the event synergy with Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician is why we play her over Admiral Ackbar - Perceptive Tactician in this deck. Her 2 focus sides are also amazingly strong as we generally don't care that her sides don't have damage or mill like Ackbar. The ability to utilize our events for rerolls rather than pitching cards can be very clutch and also provide soft removal versus red/yellow opponents.

Electroshock - Cheap effective removal, nuff said.

Field Medic - More survivability for the deck. Since we are a slower deck we avoid battlefield reliant red cards like Dug in and Defensive Position. We like our battlefield but aren't overly reliant on holding it.

Logistics - Another opening hand keeper, helps us ramp our resources into our supports.

Our Only Hope - Can utilize this as a reroll for a red die as well as ramp into our other cards, unless this pulls an event it's pretty much amazing for us. If not take the 2 resources and move along.

Planned Explosion - Provides surprise burst when the dice choose to come up not showing damage. Focusing generally can get you similar damage results with this deck however then your opponent has a chance to mitigate. This card provides a nice surprise burst and can wipe out an opponents character 1 action earlier.

Rebel Assault - We have a lot of ranged damage sides (obviously) and free removal of a dice that rolled a non strong side or a special (cough Poe/Kylo/Baby Vader) is very strong.

Sabotage - Say goodbye to Planetary Uprising, C-3PO, Imperial Inspection, or any annoying support that bothers us. Utilize this card over Surgical Strike since we can pitch supports to get back later with the battlefield rather than removing our ranged damage sides.

Strategic Planning - Because nothing hurts more than those ships coming around for a second pass.

Mulligan Guide

In general looking to start with a Quad Jumper and any other support in hand turn 1. After that we can generally roll enough resources to play the Quad and then ramp into the other support. After that Logistics is good for further helping the ramp. After those 3, Our Only Hope is decent as a cheeky tempo swing at best or a cycle to your better cards at worst. Other than that perhaps keep one of your removal options maybe an Electroshock or a Rebel Assault since the price is right.

Opening Turn

Ideally even if you have upgrades we generally want to hold of playing those til we get our support game up and running. An ideal turn involves rolling out characters to get resources for days, then either play an amazing support out of hand straight away or getting to 3 resources and playing our Quad Jumper. If you can pay 5 and drop a bomb support right away don't get cute with the Quad Jumper, just do it. Otherwise drop the Quad roll out for hopefully more resources and utilize the action to drop in the hammers.

That's pretty much all I got for the deck at this time. If you have any questions let me know! Enjoy!

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