I got tha powah (by Snap)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

banshee 88

The main point here is to abuse Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist to make sure you take the battleground every time and kick out enough damage with Baze Malbus - Crack Shot to kill them before they kill you.

Use Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist to choke resources and make sure the other guy can't claim...2 seems to be the preferred roll on him because if they are saving up for something big they can't play it, and if they don't then they can't claim. A lot of the big rolls also rely on resources, so if they don't have any then they can't use those dice.

It's a Trap! is always great for quick kills, but I have found that I always want to leave one of Snap's dice unresolved so they can't claim. Guerrilla Warfare is a great way to milk one last damage out of Snap then claim because it's ambush.

There isn't much control in this deck simply because hero command doesn't have that much. Carbon-freezing Chamber - Bespin is your control because you take the die that's going to be the biggest pain and lock it down. Getting New Orders and Carbon-freezing Chamber - Bespin claim on the same turn against Palpatine - Galactic Emperor is hilarious, because that means the next turn both dice are frozen.

Not as consistent as Tier 1 decks, but fun to play against them because you're trying to keep them locked down long enough to bring the pain.

Have fun! Constructive comments appreciated!

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