Aayla Poe (R2P2 Evolution)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

TheKraftyOne 287

This is what I predict replacing Rey - Finding The Ways will look like for Regional Season, Might not have exactly this, but close to it.

Big Additions

All these in my opinion help the deck push farther into consistency and also can speed up your game plan if needed.

Cards I added that some lists are not running.

I feel Reaping The Crystal with profitable gives you a lot of flexibility with what you can keep in your opener, Being able to keep 4 resources worth of cards is very powerful on the first turn. Playing one of your 3 drops and either a support or a 1 drop event goes a long way in the first round.

Retreat this card used to see way more play back when Poe Dameron - Ace Pilot/Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen we're big. I feel this deck can be fast enough to impact your opponent and then just end the round. Slower decks like OTK Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor or even 3 wide lists (excluding 5 die villain) can be blown out with a well timed Retreat.

Most of this deck is fairly straight forward like most R2P2 decks. The deck could even go with less removal since Aayla Secura - Jedi General has built in soft removal.

Overall, This is something I think everyone should test against, Not necessarily this exact list, but this pairing will be out there. Comment below if you agree or have any thoughts on this particular version.

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