Snoke-Executioners: 24 person SC 5th Place (Mothership ATX)

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

TeamPEJ 24

I don't think this deck is Tier 1 or anything, but haven't seen this pairing much on here so figured I would post. I do think it has legs, and I'm sure there are refinements that could be make it even better. As you'll see in my recap, against 3-wide and 4-wide opponents, this deck can really sing and steamroll people. I didn't see any mill decks, but the deck tested ok against mil (I never was able to test against the Yoda-Cassian-Anakin deck that is wrecking everything right now though).

Round 1 - Snoke - Supreme Leader Firmus Piett - Ambitious Admiral Rebel Traitor Opponent wasn't really able to draw into the card he needed, and other than that I don't remember most of the details of this matchup. He is a very good player and ended up 4th on the day, though. One thing I do remember is that I was able to use Anger to flip a 4 indirect side back on my opponent--that card is amazing in this deck with all of the blank sides on the Executioner, Executioner's Axe, Chance Cube, and Z6 Riot Control Baton.

Round 2 - Kylo Ren - Tormented One-Snoke Lots of damage early, but with two high health characters I wasn't able to get the Executioners' ability rolling early enough. Game was close-ish, but I do think this deck in its current form struggles against heavy aggro, particularly when it doesn't get Chance Cube out early. All credit to my opponent here too--he ended up finishing 2nd.

Round 3 - Boss Nass - Bombastic Ruler-Jar Jar Binks - Clumsy Outcast-2x Gungan Warrior This matchup was against one of my buddies/teammates, and my deck was pretty much tailor made to beat his with so many low health characters on his side. I had two big All In plays to kill one Warrior round one and one round 2, and then finished off Nass and Jar Jar the next couple rounds. He still did quite a lot of damage to me, but since it was mostly indirect I was able to spread the damage around and keep my guys alive.

Round 4 - Plo Koon - Jedi Protector-2x Padawan Played another strong player here that Day 2ed at worlds, but he just could not catch a break in this matchup. I rolled super hot and was able to kill all three of his characters in Round 2. When this deck goes off it can really go off. Not much to say here, my rolling and his two 7 health characters made for a bad matchup for him and just didn't give him much of a chance.

Top 8 - Kylo-Snoke I finished in 5th after Swiss, and matched up against the same Kylo-Snoke player I played earlier. Game 1 was close but he took it, game 2 was again pretty close but went to me, and game 3 was pretty much a blowout win for my opponent. Through the four games, his deck was pretty consistently able to win the damage race against me.

If I had to do it again, I would not include Power of the Dark Side, which never hit the table. I put it in to give me no-downside rerolls if I matched up against mill, but never got to see if that would have been a good call. Would have loved to have had a second copy of Endless Ranks, which is super good on the Executioners. The weakness of the deck is really it's reliance on Chance Cube to ramp. It needs to kill a character before losing one of the Executioners to really work right, too, so decks with high-health characters will be tougher to deal with.

I really appreciate the guys in the Austin community--all my opponents were super nice and were very fun to play against. I love the Executioners, and would love to see someone take them to prominence. Hopefully this can be a good starting point.



Hey Dave, great to meet you, love the deck and enjoyed our games. Hope to see around man! Zaza Pachulia memes 4eva.

TeamPEJ 24

It was great playing you too! Dave is actually one of the guys I share a collection and DB account with, this deck was piloted by John. Dave was my opponent playing the mighty Gungans actually. Congrats on the second place finish!

TeamPEJ 24

Edit: I wasn’t certain when I played this about the interaction between Training and Executioner’s and Snoke’s abilities. Based on the Destiny Council article that came out, these will work, so training becomes a must include!

Razelll 244

@TeamPEJ Ya, it is basically just another Executioner's Axe.

Icezox 7

Yep except that it has 2 instead of +2 and for the same price

TeamPEJ 24

@Razelll @Icezox and you can use the Snoke Power Action with it!

Razelll 244

@TeamPEJ True. Cuz it is a character die.