Jyn/Cassian Mill and Kill

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

ShadowLink 55

There were some big changes I've added to this deck, and this is an updated version of the deck.

Jyn Erso - Daring Infiltrator is actually my favorite card in the set besides the new Darth Vader to be honest with y'all. Her ability to control your opponent's deck along with Cassian Andor - Rebellion Operative's ability to make his discarding a lot more worth it. These two pair well together to be honest. I've played this deck last night an managed to get 4-1 and hoping to win more games next week with these improvements.

You can with either by of course milling or killing in this deck. Clandestine Operation is the MVP of this deck if you have a bunch of Range and discards showing . I had quite a lot of range damage showing but my opponent didn't expect the Clandestine Operation play happening with the Range sides, and got around 9 cards discarded from the deck along with the damage. Friends in Low Places is very good to gain intel of your opponent's hand strength along with a chance of discarding. Jyn Erso and Jyn Erso's Blaster make her a lot better, activating and discarding at least two cards from the deck along with a built in Quickdraw Holster just for Jyn.


I have added Maz's Vault instead of Logistics so I can get an extra resource each round instead of gaining resources for my turn. And Jyn's dice lacks the resources so I reckon Maz's Vault is the best choice for this deck.

I have removed Rebel Assault for a Leverage cause that card is a simple removal card, and Rebel Assault is nice to remove dice, its just not useful in these situations.

I have removed the E-11 Blaster for a Rebel since I roll out a lot of discarding, I can then play an Easy Pickings or Leverage for from my discard pile allowing myself to get the extra removal, or use Clandestine Operation again.

Mend is an amazing healing card for Red Heroes, though its too expensive so I will stick with the Field Medic for now and maybe try out mend again.

I've replaced the Citadel Landing Zone - Scarif for a Frozen Wastes - Starkiller Base because, yeah rerolling to get something good is fine, though I think removing a die seems to be more worth doing instead.

Cards I would consider adding would be Lone Operative which is a bit thematic, but allowing myself to heal a lot more instead of dying.

Let me know what would you guys play in this deck

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