
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.

Social Enemy 157

eSnoke - Supreme Leader /eTarkin - Grand Moff was a powerful deck pre-Convergence and had really good showings in the 18/19 Regionals Season. However, we lost a lot of important cards for this deck during rotation: All the zero cost upgrades. After all, getting a lot of dice out is how this deck wins. What we did get with Convergence, however, is a lot Trooper Support and Leader Synergy. Which is what I decided to make my deck around.

The Characters: We know how this runs. On one round, with our characters only, we can do a max of 10 indirect damage. That hasn't changed. In fact, it's a little easier now that Salt Flats - Crait exists.

The Supports: This is where the meat of the deck is. Conscript Squad is a must due to having two leaders, as is Megablaster Troopers. Sniper Team was introduced in Allies, and I've had a lot of success with that support. Four sides, even if two are paid. Stap Droid is also a really good 1 support, giving us Ambush and dice that work well with Tarkin - Grand Moff's Power Action.

I'm sure everyone's noticing something missing from this deck: Vader's Fist. The fact of the matter is, this deck cannot ramp as well as it used to pre-rotation. We're relying on Snoking a Tarkin side. You then get to the five you need, but then you cannot use the paid sides for Fist, which becomes an issue. The other fact is, it's getting really easy to control the Fist die. It's one die rolled out three times in round one and two times other rounds. Singular die removal can take care of it, especially if your opponent has good modern day removal (some of which we're gonna be using in our deck. It's just a lot harder to control the Megablaster dice, cause if they get rid of one, you still have two more to resolve immediately. They need mass removal to deal with it. Plus, you can use two Megablaster Troopers at the same time. So I am not using my Fists.

The Upgrades: This was another place I had to make some difficult decisions. No good zero drop dice cards anymore, I decided on using Dark Counsel because it has , , Card Draw, not to mention being a good Tarkin Power Action candidate. I also settled on Handheld L-S1 Cannon as well, since it's a good 2 drop gun. I decided against the Force Jump because I usually roll Snoke out too late for it to be useful, not to mention that there aren't many sides left to Tarkin Power Action. There were others I considered, but so far I've had no issue getting dice cards out.

Events: I think I've managed a robust removal suite here, taking advantage of the types of dice I have. Measure for Measure and Rout both take advantage of the fact that I can get out a lot of trooper dice. It's also fun to Testing Procedure two Megablaster Troopers and then with the one spend it on Rout to remove two dice. Let The Hate Flow is a card I'm testing in the deck; it's control for my opponents dice but it's also good for getting two for me to Tarkin Power Action.

Conclusion: This deck has done really well in testing. I haven't won every game I've played, but I've won most and the amount of damage I'm dealing is insane.

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